Our civil engineering department has the ability to prepare designs and details to satisfy the requirements for various Sections of Agreement under the Highways Act, including Section 38 for new adoptable roads and Section 278 for improvements on existing adopted highways. Close negotiations with the various Highway Authorities throughout the northeast of England are considered to be of paramount importance to achieve effective designs.
We provide transport statements and traffic impact analysis where necessary and provided statements on transport sustainability for a number of Clients to obtain approval of Planning Applications for specific developments. All forms of transport are considered and addressed in the reports. We have implemented Traffic Impact Assessment of junctions, traffic signals and roundabouts to meet the requirements of the Planning Authority. The investigations take the form of an assessment of any existing traffic information, obtaining traffic counts, assignment of new traffic movements and assessment of junctions, and specifying any improvements.
We can also provide reports and recommendations for noise impact surveys where necessary, using qualified and experienced personnel, and negotiate with relevant Local Authorities to again identify abnormal costs for noise protection solutions.
ARP have vast experience of building services projects over a number of years. Schemes have varied from service load assessments and incoming services applications through to site network deliveries for large scale PFI projects.